Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Moody Mansion

A while ago my sister and I drove down to Galveston to take pictures of the big, historic houses there and I finally got around to drawing them. This is the Moody Mansion built in 1895. It's very impressive, and I'm not surprised that it wasn't destroyed in the great 1900 hurricane.

Friday, May 13, 2011


It's summer! Which hopefully means more (better) updates.

But for now, just a few pages from my sketchbook.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Little update

Drawing has been slow lately. That doesn't mean I haven't been drawing, it's just that I really don't have that much to show.

These are from my sketchbook for my drawing class.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Muziky, Muziky

This is a large-format charcoal drawing of my saxophone, size: 40x35in. (the largest I've done yet!) The assignment was to take a picture of a pile of stuff, then scale up the size and grid off the paper. Now, I tried to take a picture of a pile of junk, but my pile had maybe five things in it so it looked pretty lame. Luckily, my sax looks like junk so it all worked out.

It was tricky (and a little frustrating) getting realistic reflections using charcoal, but I think I did a decent job.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wildflower Arboretum

My family and I took a day trip to Austin over spring break and one of the stops was the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Arboretum. Good times.

I was planning on submitting this at the student art exhibit at my school, but because it wasn't a class assignment they couldn't show it. Bummer.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Remember the Alamo!

I recently took a trip to San Antonio and actually got to see the Alamo. Now don't get me wrong, I've been to the Alamo a couple of times, It's just that everyone and their mother was there as well.

I'm not really happy about the final outcome as it seems a little too dark. It was fun to do though (thats all that counts).

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Obligatory First Post Info!

Well I've been meaning to start up a blog for a while now but always talked myself out of it; partly because I'm not very confident in my artwork and wasn't comfortable posting it on the internet for all to see, but mostly because I couldn't think of a clever way to name it (as you can see by the creative title I settled on). Whatever.

The posts I make will usually come from my sketchbook or assignments from my drawing class. Also, this blog is to help my progression as an artist so, of course, comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.